Meeting invitees can be added or removed by Administrators (or the meeting creator), Collaborators, or Group Owners. 

1. Open the meeting and select either "Edit Meeting Info" on the right-hand side of your screen or scroll down to the People section and select "Update Members"

2. Scroll down to the people section 

3. Here, you can ADD groups by selecting the checkbox next to the group name, individuals by selecting their name from the list, or guests by entering their name and email.

4. You can REMOVE all members of a particular group by un-checking the box next to the group name, or you can remove individuals by clicking the red 'x' next to their name

5. When the new invitees have been added, click 'Save'

6. A pop-up will be prompt you to send an optional notification to members of the meeting

7. Select either 'Yes' or 'No', and you're all set!