Can you create tasks in Boardable?

Yes. Boardable offers a Task Manager tool in its board management portal for assigning tasks to board members. The Task Manager tool allows board members to keep track of what tasks they've been assigned and log their progress between meetings. The Boardable Minutes Maker can be used to capture task that are assigned during each meeting. 

Who can create tasks?

Tasks can be created from either the (1) general Tasks page; or, (2) from a specific Meeting page.

1. Only members of your account with the Administrator Privilege are able to create new tasks from the Task page:

2. You can also add new tasks from a specific Meeting page. The ability to add new tasks from a Meeting is available to: (1) Users with Administrator privileges across the whole organization; (2) The user who created the meeting; (3) Group Administrator privileges (if it is a meeting for their group); or, (4) Anyone designated as a Meeting Collaborator.

Tasks created on a Meeting page will be available on the primary "Tasks" dashboard, and from an individual users "My Tasks" page if that task is assigned to them:

The list of member tasks populates in three different places:

1. Individual or Group Page Dashboard – Each individual user can see his or her assigned tasks and due dates from the home dashboard, making next steps scannable in a second. These may have been assigned in a meeting or independently by an Administrator. Every time members log into Boardable, they will be able to see their status and check off any completed tasks.

2. Task Tab – By clicking on this feature, Administrators can sort tasks by the meeting, the person, or status. This is ideal for checking task status from the last meeting before preparing for the next one, or verifying which individuals still have outstanding tasks.

3. Meeting Center – Tasks designated during the meeting are recorded along with the agenda, minutes, and meeting details. When looking at the summary of the meeting, the admin can see what tasks were assigned to whom. They will also show up in the minutes, exactly where they were established.


For more information on how to use Boardable's Task Manager Tool, watch this video tutorial.