This FAQ shows Boardable users how to connect their Calendar with a 2013 Outlook account. 

Here is a link to a video to help explain how to connect Outlook Calendar.

To begin, to integrate the Boardable Calendar with an Outlook account you will need the iCalendar Subscription URL. This can be found in your user settings tab, and then go to Calendar. See below:

Copy the iCalendar Subscription URL and sign into your Outlook Account

In Outlook 2007, select 'Tools' --> 'Account Settings'. In Outlook 2010/2013, from the 'File' tab or menu, select 'Info' > 'Account Settings'. Go to the bottom of the navigation pane, select 'Calendar'. For the latest version of Outlook, go to the toolbar, select 'Add calendar' > 'From internet'.

In the 'Link to the calendar' box, if needed select new and then paste the calendar URL and select 'Add'

In the 'Calendar name' box, enter a name for the linked calendar.

Select Save.

Outlook should reload the calendar feed each time you restart Outlook.