Administrators are the only users that have the permission to add a new user to an account.
To add a new user go to the People Directory and select "add someone." You can then enter an email address, first, and last name. After you have entered the data you will have the option to send a custom message and invitation to Boardable.
1. People Directory
2. Add someone
3. Add email, first, and last name, role, and assign to appropriate Groups.
After you add new user you will see the option to send an invitation and custom message.
4. Send a custom message and invitation.
5. Monitor if a user has logged on by the status in the People Directory. You will see if the invite has been sent/received and when the user last updated their profile.
6. If you choose to send the invitations after adding all of your board members you can send out a batch invite. You can also quickly re-send invitations to your board members that have not yet logged in.